Guarayos Biobusiness Project

It contributes to the reduction of illegal deforestation through actions of education and financial inclusion, access to markets for biobusinesses and environmental education and awareness, which promote the sustainable use of forest products and forest biodiversity by indigenous populations of the Bolivian Amazon.

The Guarayos Biobusiness Project contributes to the reduction of illegal deforestation through actions of education and financial inclusion, access to markets for biobusinesses and environmental education and awareness, which promote the sustainable use of forest products and forest biodiversity by indigenous populations of the Bolivian Amazon.

◦ It articulates the public and private sectors to transform the value chain of the forestry sector, diversifying its risks and developing financial mechanisms focused on improving the sustainable use of the forest and promoting investments considering environmental safeguards and the regeneration of natural capital.
◦ Strengthens the capacities of indigenous populations to develop biobusinesses in a more informed manner, with technical assistance. In this way, the dependence on third parties in disadvantageous conditions to carry out forest exploitation (timber and non-timber) will be reduced and/or eliminated.

Subcomponent 3: Financial education and access to financing, strengthens financial inclusion that promotes the sustainable use of forest products and forest biodiversity.

The aim is to generate economic and productive development models that improve market conditions and the performance of activities, that promote and facilitate access to financial services, financial education, self-managed savings and credit groups, strengthening of administrative and financial management, among others, aspects of great importance for the continuity, stability and scalability of the Project.

• Implementation of economic and productive development models.
• Access to financial services.
• Financial education.
• Promotion of self-managed savings and credit groups.
• Strengthening of administrative and financial management.

Funding: BID Lab/Cooperación Sueca ASDI/Unión Europea

Implementation: PROFIN Foundation, IBIF, WWF and Solidar Switzerland

Geographic scope: Santa Cruz (Urubichá, Guarayos and El Puente)


Find Us

Head Office La Paz – Bolivia
Av. Sánchez Lima, Tango Building, Mezzanine • Sopocachi • P.O. Box 1002

Santa Cruz Office – Bolivia
Av. Busch near 4to. Anillo, Street 5, House No.4 (across from the court)

Phone number

(591) 2 2430850 – 2430853 – 2430854


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