About Us

We are a Non-Profit Organization with more than 20 Years of Work in Bolivia.

We create solutions, adjust, pilot, launch and promote the scalability of innovative mechanisms to facilitate access to financial services for low-income and vulnerable populations and to improve their productive and economic capacities.


Fundación PROFIN, with the support of international cooperation and in partnership with strategic allies, has generated initiatives and innovations in financial services, insurance, and financial education, which are being implemented by local actors to benefit MSMEs and family productive units (FPU) throughout Bolivia.


We drive the development of the productive sector while promoting environmental harmony.

Productive Development, economic development, and environmental conservation


With a significant impact in rural, peri-urban, and urban areas, we have accomplished:

Development projects executed, contributing to strengthening value chains such as potatoes, quinoa, cocoa, coffee, corn, vegetables, dairy products, cut flowers, and fruit trees (grapes, peaches), among others.
Financial Entities strengthened to improve their capacity to provide adequate financial services to the productive sector.
Appropriate financial technologies for the productive sector.
People have received financial education.
People accessed inclusive or agricultural insurance.
People in rural and peri-urban areas of Bolivia accessed financial and insurance products and services under adequate conditions.

ECOFIN Quarterly Bulletin

With each edition, ECOFIN reflects our commitment to a more inclusive and sustainable future, providing updated information on innovative projects, financial education, and the inspiring stories of people who have transformed their lives through financial inclusion.

Institutional News


Inclusión Financiera: Un nuevo horizonte para comunidades de la Amazonía Más de 50 personas de comunidades en la Amazonía del departamento de Pando han logrado abrir sus primeras cuentas bancarias…
View more

Capacitación en Finanzas Sostenibles

Hacia un Sistema Financiero Responsable: Primer Ciclo de Talleres sobre Finanzas sostenibles y Criterios ASG…

Our Funders


Find Us

Head Office La Paz – Bolivia
Av. Sánchez Lima, Tango Building, Mezzanine • Sopocachi • P.O. Box 1002

Santa Cruz Office – Bolivia
Av. Busch near 4to. Anillo, Street 5, House No.4 (across from the court)

Phone number

(591) 2 2430850 – 2430853 – 2430854



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