Inclusive Markets Project

It aims to promote a significant change in the financial practices of Financial Intermediation Entities and the Financial System Supervisory Authority in Bolivia, through the implementation of political advocacy activities aimed at these entities. This objective seeks to catalyze the adoption of sustainable financial practices, with a specific focus on financing environmental conservation initiatives.

Component 3 is implemented by PROFIN, and works on the following lines of action:

– Financial Education
– Access to financial services
– Promotion of sustainable finance practices that provide new long-term sustainable economic opportunities for indigenous communities.

Funding: Cooperación Sueca ASDI/Unión Europea

Implementation: Swisscontact and Fundación PROFIN

Geographic scope: Santa Cruz, Pando (regiones de la Chiquitanía, Amazonía, Chaco and Valles cruceños)


Find Us

Head Office La Paz – Bolivia
Av. Sánchez Lima, Tango Building, Mezzanine • Sopocachi • P.O. Box 1002

Santa Cruz Office – Bolivia
Av. Busch near 4to. Anillo, Street 5, House No.4 (across from the court)

Phone number

(591) 2 2430850 – 2430853 – 2430854


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