Learning about insurance

Learning with Chuwis about Insurance is an educational campaign about insurance designed at the Bolivian population, with the aim of providing useful concepts about insurance and influencing the generation of an insurance culture in Bolivia that promotes resilient families and communities in the face of unexpected events.

Learning about insurance

Microinsurance or inclusive insurance is a mechanism to protect people with limited income against risks they face on a daily (for example: accidents, illnesses, death in the family or climatic events) in exchange for payments established according to their needs, income and risk level.

Find Us

Head Office La Paz – Bolivia
Av. Sánchez Lima, Tango Building, Mezzanine • Sopocachi • P.O. Box 1002

Santa Cruz Office – Bolivia
Av. Busch near 4to. Anillo, Street 5, House No.4 (across from the court)

Phone number

(591) 2 2430850 – 2430853 – 2430854



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