Pronto Pago

The Pronto Pagon financial service is based on the principles of Microfactoring, which seeks to solve the problem of temporary liquidity to strengthen the productive system, the provision of national seed, the collection of products for export and other aspects that facilitate the operation of the management of accounts receivable and accounts payable in the productive sector.

The Pronto Pago product takes advantage of the opportunities of the commercial relationship that exists between the associations (anchor actor) and the partner producers.

When the producer sells/delivers his or her production to his or her association (anchor actor), an account receivable is generated from the producer to the association, which lasts until the transformation of the production and/or commercialization, causing the producer to receive his or her payment after approximately one year of having delivered the product.

To shorten this waiting time on the part of the producer and taking into account the opportunity cost that this entails, the Pronto Pago service has been designed.

The main steps of the operation to opt for Pronto Pago are:

– The evaluation of the economic-financial viability of the anchor actor (collector, processor, exporter) to define the characteristics and times to receive the service.

– The signing of an inter-institutional agreement between the anchor actor, the BANK, PROFIN and the Family Productive Units, where the roles and responsibilities for the proper functioning of the service and return of funds will be established.

– The Family Productive Units, producer sells its product to its association (anchor actor) and the latter grants it a Payment Order for the volume and monetary value of its sale. This document is presented to the Bank to collect the payment in a timely manner.

– Before the payment by the Bank, the producer must open a savings account to make the corresponding payment.

– In the payment process, the producer must present to the Bank the settlement made by the association, the letter of assignment of the right to collect to the Bank and based on the settlement, the calculation of the commission to be charged for the Early Payment service will be made.
– After the payments have been made, the Bank will send reminders to the anchor actor of payments made and dates for the recovery of the amounts paid to the producers.

– At the end of the term established in the inter-institutional agreement, the association will make the payment to the Bank of the amounts delivered to the producers for the purchase of the production.

Find Us

Head Office La Paz – Bolivia
Av. Sánchez Lima, Tango Building, Mezzanine • Sopocachi • P.O. Box 1002

Santa Cruz Office – Bolivia
Av. Busch near 4to. Anillo, Street 5, House No.4 (across from the court)

Phone number

(591) 2 2430850 – 2430853 – 2430854


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